I believe in kindness. Also in mischief. Also in singing, especially when singing is not necessarily prescribed
— Mary Oliver
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As a Musician + Mindful Mentor + Somatic Psychotherapist + apprentice at the wellspring of learning, I am committed to beauty, resilience + an ever growing faith in the power of seeds to feed a generation yet to come.

My Story

I am a queer, cis gendered, middle-class, educated Jewitch living on stolen Miwok/Pomo lands. I am dedicated to the dismantling of anthropocentricity (human-centered as most valuable perspective) and to the healing of white bodied supremacy in service to the waters and the liberation of all beings.

I grew up in Texas where musical theater and Spanish were my first loves.  I was always a right brain kind of kid, drawn to language, music, and movement and I was fascinated by people’s stories, what they had lived and how their resilience was expressed. 

I lived abroad in my 20’s where I deepened my cultural sensitivities and came to wake up around my white US privilege.  Yoga and mindfulness entered my life during this time which I shared with the children I taught English to.  I watched the way their bodies would come alive and their bandwidth to learn passionately increased.  Teacher by day, funk band singer by night, I began to bridge the world of yoga, music and education.

In my early years as a yoga teacher, I would notice symptoms of trauma emerging in myself and in my students that seemed to live in the body.  Fascinated, I entered a particular constellation of words in a google search and came to find a Somatic Psychology program in San Francisco.

Years later, I moved back to the states and completed my Masters in Somatic Psychology at California Institute of Integral Studies, all the while studying with indigenous elders and wisdom keepers about how to tend and take care of this flowering earth.  I spent years working with youth in schools, camps, and residential facilities as a therapist and mentor devoted to creativity as an avenue of healing. 

I continue to write music and facilitate groups of people in singing and lifting our voices up together because I am committed to our wild voices leading the revolution for social justice, climate awareness, and gender equity. 

I continue to work with community based organizations while maintaining a private practice in Sebastopol, CA because we can't do this alone.

Some of the organizations I have worked with are Seeds of Awareness, Stepping Stones Project, and Gaia Passages.

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