The seed of suffering in you may be strong, but don’t wait until you have no more suffering before allowing yourself to be happy.
— Thich Nhat Hanh

Standard Fee

$150/ session

Insurance Info

For clients with a PPO, I am able to provide you with a statement of services which you can submit to your insurance carrier for partial reimbursement. Most of my clients who submit claims have been reimbursed 30-50% of their fees. I recommend that you check with your plan administrator to find out how they handle out-of-network mental health claims.

Reduced Fees

If you have landed here on my page and think we would work well together but are unable to pay my fee, I have a few slots in my practice I am able to offer at a reduced rate.  Sonoma County also has some incredible sliding scale clinics.  Don't let finances stand in the way of getting support.

Petaluma People Service Center

Lomi Clinic in Santa Rosa